We've been passing around a cold/flu bug for the past 3 weeks. I'm so glad it has finally passed (I'm crossing my fingers, right now!). As a result, I haven't blogged in a very long time. SOOOO...here is my month in review.
Camping in the Desert

Tired little rug rats.

We love to play card games!

Memma & Me relaxing.
Scout Night at the Museum

This was a very cool event. We stayed the night at the Natural Museum of History and had a fun filled night of activities learning about dinosaurs. The next morning we had free access of the museum before it opened to the public; TOTALLY COOL!
Cub Scout's Pinewood Derby

Dad and Nick putting the final touches on his car.

Nick's car didn't win, but he had a blast! Now that he knows what to expect, he is really looking forward to next year.
Crochet Corner:
I'd been on a kick of making scarves with any Homespun yarn I could get my hands on. I forgot to take pics of the last two I made before I gave them away. :( I'm currently working on a bucket style hat for the my park days with Mem and I found an adorable pattern for Easter eggs.