On an exciting note: Miss Sickie Pooh turns 2 at the end of the month and I just received the proof of her Abby Cadabby birthday invitation and it is SO DAMN ADORABLE. I'm so excited! I usually make the invites myself, but after seeing the invites to my friend RedRubyRuca's son's party, I decided to follow her lead and order them off Ebay. Plus, the lady who makes them is a Stay At Home Mom, too, which makes my heart strings tug; got to support my Peeps, right?! The sample attached is an example from her site. I almost attached our proof, then realized "that's not such a great idea" putting my daughter's pic and our address on the internet. So if your in need of a birthday invite check out her ebay site at Sweet Starshines Designs.

On a crocheting note: Well, I was going to blog about a gift I'm making for my Sister, which has taken me away form the blue sweater and gray poncho, until I spoke with her this morning and she informed me she FOUND my blog. Sorry all, now I can't talk about all the issues I'm having making it or show pics. of my progress. So stay tuned until November; that's when her birthday is and I hope to hell to give it to her then. If you're a member of Ravelry, I'd tell you to check it out there, but she was always one of those kids who just HAD to sneak a pick at her Christmas presents so I wouldn't put it past her to join Ravelry just to see what I'm making her even though she doesn't crochet or knit. :) It's going to be really flippin cute so it will be worth the wait! Hey, Erin, I bet your dying to know what it is, RIGHT?! HEHEHE :)
Can't wait to get mine! Oh wait, I'm just assuming we're invited! Well hell, I'm crashing it either way!
Of coarse your invited!!! It's on it's way.
I hope you have a healthy house soon! Those invitations are so cute!
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