Creative Corner

Thursday, November 6, 2008

A Great Time Was Had By All

Wow, what a crazy, exciting, and exhausting week! I've finally recovered from the past week/ weekend and am ready to share.

October 27, 2008: Cleaned, Cleaned, Cleaned!

October 28, 2008: Shopped, Shopped, Shopped, Cleaned!

October 29, 2008: Happy 2nd Birthday Mem!

What an exciting day! My baby girl turned 2 and she had her first Halloween party to attend with our Mommy and me group.

Mem and Seamus all dressed up!

For her "actual" birthday celebration, I made her her favorite dinner,mostacolli with red sauce, salad with ranch and garlic bread; for fun, I put out olives and croutons for an appetizer which Mem and Ant LOVED!!! After dinner, we headed out to the pumpkin patch for some pumpkins and a hay ride. When we got home we sang happy birthday and ate cake!

October 30, 2008: Shopped, Prepped, Cleaned!
October 31, 2008: Happy Halloween boys and girls!

The boy's school had their annual Fall Festive. Each year each grade parades around in their costumes and a winner is chosen from each grade. Now, EVERY year my boys ask a million times, "Mom, do you think I'm going to win?" and EVERY year I have to tell them probably NOT. "Why?", they ask and I must explain that they are looking for a literary character costume that is traditional and my boys chose to be the "IT" character of the season; this year it was Star Wars. Regardless, they love walking in the parade and love, love, love the carnival games and junk food that follow.

Halloween night was as fun as can be. My sister and her family joined us along with all our kick ass neighbors for a night of trick or treating and socializing! Halloween should be on Friday night every year.

Clone Trooper, Adikin Skywalker & Abby Cadabby

November 1, 2008: Emmie's Birthday Bash!

With an Abby Cadabby theme, we party like rock stars all day and night! She rocked it with her brothers and friends in the bouncy house, played games, opened presents, ate cake and had a blast. Once it was all pretty much cleaned up, Mommy rocked the Vanilla Stois with TiTi Shell and paid for it the next couple of days. Thank goodness I only do that once in a Pink Moon! :)

Exhausting, but FRIGIN FUN!!! Can't wait til next year!


Janis said...

Holy crap what a week! I can't believe you have such a little gourmet at 2!!!!! What are you doing to recover this weekend?

chichimommy said...

Yeah, well, definitely not resting. My son's cub scouts pack is having a Saturday night camping trip and my husband, I and the two boys will be going. I know, I'm CRAZY!