This shop has been right under my nose....Darn It! I'm always on the look out for a yarn shop close to home. Once I was driving down a main street, a town away, and saw a sign in a mini shopping center that said YARN. I pulled into that center as fast as could be, to only be disappointed to find that it was a coffee shop with no yarn. :( Why call it yarn? How about COFFEE! Anyhow, last week I made a trip out to Torrance, another town away, and while waiting for the light to turn green at the stop light, I noticed the store name, Concepts In Yarn & Needlepoint, on a large board with at least 12 other store names; totally hidden, can't believe I saw it, yet made sense why I'd never seen it before. As it was the New Year's holiday week and we had plans to go out of town, I put it to the side, but remember today and googled it. Sure enough I found their
website and am SO HAPPY to find that it is an ACTUAL yarn shop! HIP HIP HOORAY! PLUS, it's closer than Michaels or Joanns so there is no excuse to go; RIGHT. Now, I just need to get my husband to watch the kids and maybe convenience a friend or TWO to join me! :) :) :)