Creative Corner

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Silver Linings

Dr. Jekyll

Mrs. Hyde

This is how I feel lately! Wow, have I been a grouch lately; ask my husband, he LOVES me right now. So today I decided to get my day started early and hope for the best; so far so good. Each time I get irritated, I dig deep inside and find a silver lining and it's working. So here are some of my silver linings so far today:

Irritated = Last night as I got my daughter ready for bed, I realized we had no more pull ups. So this morning I was just planning to wake up to a big pee pee mess.
Silver Lining = Started potty training her, AGAIN, and this time she is into it and so far no accidents.
Irritated = Once again, this morning realized there is NO MORE SOAP.
Silver Lining = Make a trip to Targay and found myself a purse, a couple of shirts, 2 dog bowls, a dog bed and much much more which was ALL ON SALE. YA Baby!!!
Irritated = Just cleaned the floors yesterday and as I walk in I see black grease mark, Thanks Hubby!
Silver Lining = My daughter says to me as I'm cleaning, "Is okay, Sannon, I help!" Thank you, Mems!


Anonymous said...

What a little goof-ball! And we missed you again in class!!!!!

chichimommy said...

I know. Bob and I talked it over and I decided to stopping attending and save the money. I've been taking her to the park instead and she is just as happy. Once Bob's contract is renewed, I'll feel more comfortable spending the money again.