Creative Corner

Sunday, August 31, 2008

Time to Catch Up!

The last two weeks have been very busy and have left me very little time to crochet. None of my WIPs are complete, but some are closer! So here are some pics of what has kept me away from my beloved hooks....

Making brownies with my little ones!

Finally finding, purchasing and camping with our new trailer!

Hiking 1.5 miles to the beach for an unexpected splash!
we never thought we would make it to the beach. :)

and, with no pics, last but not least, School shopping (what a nightmare with 3 children ages 8, 5, & 1)!

Hoping to find sometime tonight to sit down and relax with my hooks.

Thursday, August 14, 2008

Luckiest Girl in the World!

I was lucky enough to find him and 9 years ago, today, he choice me as his "Happy Ever After". I love you, Bob! Happy Anniversary!!!

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Memmie's Summer Dress

I finished the skirt portion of Mem's dress this morning, while she decided to get into everything and anything that she shouldn't. I don't know what is about the genes we pass on to our kids, but they are never happy just being kids. They are allows striving to act and do things WAY beyond their ages. Gosh, I wish she would just play with her toys! After I fulfill my domestic commitments for the day, I plan to begin making the straps for the dress. Wish me luck, of coarse I plan on improvising!

Monday, August 11, 2008

Something Fun To Do

I found this on a Ravelry friends blog site and thought it would fun to answer.

The Rules: each player answers the questions. At the end of the post, the player then tags 5 or 6 people and posts their names, then goes to their blogs and leaves them a comment, letting them know they’ve been tagged and asking them to read your blog. Let the person who tagged you know when you’ve posted your answer.

1. What I was doing 10 years ago:
Ten years ago, I was working as a Bank Teller by day, attending Court Reporting school by night and planning my wedding when ever I could find time.

2. What 5 things are on on my to-do list for today (in no particular order):
Clean the downstairs bathroom.
Plant the Potatoes vine I purchased weeks ago and the two Hibiscus plants in the backyard planter.
Make Banana bread, to prove my Husband wrong that I do follow through with what I say.
Crochet a little more of my daughter's dress.
Watch the Olympics! Watching brings back fond memories of my childhood when you didn't have 1000 T.V. channels available to you 24/7 so to watch the Olympics was a BIG DEAL.

3. Snacks I enjoy:
chips/guacamole and a beer to wash it down or coffee & deserts: cupcakes, coffee cake, pie; you name it, I'll it eat!

4. Things I would do if I was a billionaire:
Pay off my house
Buy a car I actually like
Maybe..... open a business, but anything I try to sell never does so maybe just live off the interest from the winnings.
5. Places I have lived in:
Bellflower, California
Ontario, California
Long Beach, California
San Pedro, California

Tag - RubyRedRuca, Hookin-Robot-Grrrl and if anyone else happens across this them feel free to fill it out and leave me a comment so that I can read it. :)

Thursday, August 7, 2008

Love Is

My Grandparents use to cut out the Love Is... comic strip and post them on the fridge for everyone to read! Hmmm....I miss that. Anyhow, the other day I asked my husband to move his brand new shocks he purchased for the on going Baja Bug he is building from our livingroom couch and ottoman into HIS SHOP (aka our garage) before our 3 wonderful children messed with them. So after watering the plants, I went up to our room and guess what I find? The shocks on the his side of the bed. He claimed there was no room in the shop for them. Well, I don't know about that, I'm sure I could have found room, but whatever, not a battle I wish to take on. :) So the funny event made me think of my own Love is.
Love is....

letting your husband store his off road shocks in your bedroom.

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

It Doesn't Happen Often

I know it's not very becoming of a lady to brag, but I MUST. I'm so excited! I've been wanting to crochet my daughter a Summer dress, but couldn't find the right pattern so I put it on the back burner. Then, my friend showed me an adorable sweater she began making for my daughter and I was inspired.
One night while watching a movie with my older son, I pulled out some pretty Caron Simply Soft lavender yarn, grabbed a summer jumper of hers for reference and began crocheting. By the end of the movie, I had crocheted the front top portion of Emmie's Summer dress. The next morning, I made the back portion of the top and began the skirt. Now, I envisioned in my head how to do this, never expected it to work and yet, it actually did. Like the title says, it doesn't happen very often that how I envision a project to be done actually works! When I moved on to the skirt, I decided to use a stitch from my dishcloth book that looked scalloped. Once again, I wasn't sure if it would work out, but low and behold, IT DID! I'm currently work on the skirt and the longer it gets the more excited I get. Emma is excited too. Every time she sees the dress, she says proudly, "Mine" or "Emma's". I can't wait to see it on her!!!

Friday, August 1, 2008

I Finally Found a Crafty Group!

I've been searching high and low for the past year for a crochet group; I finally found one! I was looking once again on Ravelry and found a knitter's group, but when I clicked on the info. about the group, it was for crocheters and spinners too. Yah!!! They meet twice a week and their next meeting is Sunday. My husband has had to work the last couple of weekends so I'm hoping and praying he works tonight or Saturday because I REALLY want to go!