Creative Corner

Monday, October 27, 2008

Crazy Week Ahead

I need to get motivated!
I came down with a cold on Thursday and pretty much lost my voice. We had plans to go camping in the desert for the weekend and despite how crappy I felt, we did go and had a great time.
Now, I'm sitting here planning my week out which will be crazy busy. Between my three children, we have 3 Halloween parties to attend: Mommy and me party (Wed), Elk's Lodge party (Thurs) and the school Fall Festival (Fri). My daughter turns two on Wednesday and I plan to have a mini celebration that night, plus we have her big party on Saturday. So this week will be filled will final prepping for that. PLUS, since we decided to go to the desert, where there is ALOT of DIRT, our trailer needs a through cleaning inside and out! WooHoo, sounds like fun!
Well, I guess I should get off my ass and stop talking about what I have to do and just DO IT!
Some fun pics. of the weekend!

Dirt Divas: Mem and her cousin, Monster.

Ant & Mem riding!

Daddy and his Dirt Princess

While Moms away the cats will play with HER CAMERA!

RubyRedRuca's son trying to get this darn quad started so he could follow his Daddy out into the desert!

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Sickie Pooh Central

Last week my younger son was sick three out of the five week days and this week it's my baby girls turn. She is quite miserable which means she is making everyone around her miserable. I had to put her down for her nap early today because she was having one temper tantrum after another over nothing. Poor baby, I sure hope she feels better soon. I really hate seeing her so cranky.

On an exciting note: Miss Sickie Pooh turns 2 at the end of the month and I just received the proof of her Abby Cadabby birthday invitation and it is SO DAMN ADORABLE. I'm so excited! I usually make the invites myself, but after seeing the invites to my friend RedRubyRuca's son's party, I decided to follow her lead and order them off Ebay. Plus, the lady who makes them is a Stay At Home Mom, too, which makes my heart strings tug; got to support my Peeps, right?! The sample attached is an example from her site. I almost attached our proof, then realized "that's not such a great idea" putting my daughter's pic and our address on the internet. So if your in need of a birthday invite check out her ebay site at Sweet Starshines Designs.

On a crocheting note: Well, I was going to blog about a gift I'm making for my Sister, which has taken me away form the blue sweater and gray poncho, until I spoke with her this morning and she informed me she FOUND my blog. Sorry all, now I can't talk about all the issues I'm having making it or show pics. of my progress. So stay tuned until November; that's when her birthday is and I hope to hell to give it to her then. If you're a member of Ravelry, I'd tell you to check it out there, but she was always one of those kids who just HAD to sneak a pick at her Christmas presents so I wouldn't put it past her to join Ravelry just to see what I'm making her even though she doesn't crochet or knit. :) It's going to be really flippin cute so it will be worth the wait! Hey, Erin, I bet your dying to know what it is, RIGHT?! HEHEHE :)

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Too Hot To Do Anything!

Too hot to clean, too hot to cook, and sadly too hot to crochet and blog; this explains my Internet absence. Here in sunny California it's been too sunny on and off for the last week and the last two days have felt like hell (in my opinion). I am so SICK of this HEAT WAVE! It doesn't feel like Fall at all. My boys are off of school tomorrow and I really wanted to take them out to the apple orchard farms in Yucaipa, but it's even hotter there so FORGET ABOUT. Terrible, just terrible. Okay, enough wining about that!

Crochet Update: I began making a sweater with this very pretty blue/green Homespun yarn (photo below) that I had just lying around a couple of weeks ago now. Once again, I ran out of yarn and have yet to make time to run over to my local craft store. So I began crocheting a cowl neck poncho (top photo) that I'm making up as I go along (I'm praying it turns out), but considering the fact that I'm using a small size hook and one strand of yarn I probably won't be able to wear it until Fall 2009. Why is it that it seems like such a great idea and a piece of cake in your head, but once you start the process you realize your head must be warped because it CLEARLY isn't!

Regarding the kids: My daughter's 2nd birthday is at the end of this month and for the past couple of weeks she has been a TERROR. She will not play with her toys, but would rather touch everything she KNOWS she isn't suppose to, like the water dispenser from the fridge (mental note: go lock it now), turning on the coffee pot, trying to wash dishes, putting her PJs in the washer while a load is in the process, putting on my makeup, etc.; and today, a new one, jumping off the ottoman onto the pillow she placed on the floor which bounces her onto the couch! Clearly having two older brothers has GREATLY influenced her. I'm sure my other two were this crazy, I just don't remember it, plus they are boys so they could care less about cleaning up or putting make up on. So after catching her in mid flight, I realized she was in dire need of some attention so we colored together which was a blast and something her brothers would never have enjoyed doing. I took a picture of her, but it turned out super blurry. :(